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Kidde Micro 4 10-Year Sealed Battery Ionization Smoke Alarm Model i1040 KIDDE

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Product Name
Kidde Micro 4 10-Year Sealed Battery Ionization Smoke Alarm Model i1040 KIDDE
Product Description

The Kidde i1040 is a 10-year sealed battery ionization smoke alarm with Alarm Memory and Hush® feature. The i1040 alarm will automatically activate when it is attached to the mounting bracket; there are no pull-tabs no switches everything is automatic. When the unit reaches low battery condition (approx 10 years after power up) it will chirp indicating the alarm is in need of replacement. The customer can use a simple tool such as a screwdriver to deactivate the unit stopping the low battery chirp and making it safe for disposal. The sealed-in board-mounted battery will power the i1040 unit for its complete 10-year life. No replacement battery will ever be needed. This alarm uses ionization sensing technology. Ionization sensing alarms may detect invisible fire particles (associated with flaming fires) sooner than photoelectric alarms. Photoelectric sensing alarms may detect visible particles (associated with smoldering fires) sooner than ionization alarms.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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