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FACEGA R300 Cylinder Mower Sharpener 20 in.

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Product Name
FACEGA R300 Cylinder Mower Sharpener 20 in.
Product Description

FACEGA From the country that invented reel mowers this unique British designed sharpener accurately re-grinds sharp new cutting edges on most reel mowers including imported models - whether: push/hand electric battery or gas powered. Sharpens: American Great States Scotts True Cut Silent Cut Mascot Task Force Promo Brill Alco Winchell Husqvarna Eason Sun lawn Gardena and others. Attach the sharpener to the cutter bar/bed knife while sharpening - every reel mower has one. Simply push the mower and the reel blades spin against the powerful abrasive and are automatically sharpened to the correct angle. The sharpener is then removed & the reel blades re-adjusted. 3 abrasives supplied to sharpen a blunt mower. Replacements available for many years use. Full instructions included. Dimension - 20 x 1.5 x 1.2 in. Item Weight - 6.1 oz. - SKU: BSMR1454

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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