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After Capone: The Life and World of Chicago Mob Boss Frank the Enforcer Nitti (Hardcover)

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Product Name
After Capone: The Life and World of Chicago Mob Boss Frank the Enforcer Nitti (Hardcover)
Product Description

After Capone is the first book-length work to present the complete never-before-told story of Frank the Enforcer Nitti--born Francesco Raffele Nitto--the driving force behind the Chicago mob s operations in the years that followed Al Capone s imprisonment. Beginning with Nitti s Italian origins Mars Eghigian traces the Enforcer s entry into and subsequent rise inside Chicago s underworld his near-fatal shooting by city detectives his strange death and the ultimate downfall of all who were associated with him. Based on years of research and supported by original sources from state and federal archives After Capone is the definitive reference on Nitti s violent life and times. The result is a comprehensive and arousing portrait of the cunning mob boss his life experiences the people around him and organized crime in Chicago in the post-Capone era. In addition to dispelling such popular notions as that Natti followed Capone to Chicago and that he was Scarface s cousin Eghigian provides an all-encompassing view of Nitti s criminal activities which stretched farther beyond Chicago than those of any other organized crime family until that time. The driving force that expanded the Chicago mob s operations Nitti led the mob away from the illegal booze that had been its mainstay during Prohibition into the legitimate distribution of alcohol after the repeal of Prohibition labor union racketeering and the mob s attempts to control illicit gambling from coast to coast. After Capone is a fascinating and chilling account of the ability of mob power to adapt to the constantly shifting nature of American culture.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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