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American Retro Automotive Steering Wheel Chrome 15

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Product Name
American Retro Automotive Steering Wheel Chrome 15
Product Description

Smaller 15-inch Steering Wheel replaces the 18 1958 through 1960 stock Chevy wheels. This sporty replacement gives your car an original look yet provides drivers the comfort and handling of a 3-inch smaller diameter modern size wheel. Don t wrestle with that bus-size steering wheel any longer! American-Retro s new smaller steering wheel is the answer! Made to fit to the original steering column using all the original horn nuts and directional parts. The American-Retro wheel comes complete with a chrome horn ring and a center cap. Installation is easy- just bolt it on! Finished in black. For other colors simply paint to match your vehicle.- SKU: AMRET028

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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