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Saiyuki - Journey Begins (Vol 1) - with Series Box and T-Shirt [DVD]

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Product Name
Saiyuki - Journey Begins (Vol 1) - with Series Box and T-Shirt [DVD]
Product Description

This long-running animated series is based on Minekura Kazuya s popular manga adaptation of the landmark Chinese novel Journey to the West . Little remains of the original story of a monk traveling to India to obtain the Buddhist sutras attended by three supernatural beings. A secret effort to raise the demon-lord Gyumoah has caused demons to attack humans in Shangri-La. Sanjo Genjo is dispatched to prevent this resurrection. He takes three obstreperous half-demons as servant-companions: tough-talking chain-smoking Sha Goyjo; Cho Hakkai whose pet dragon turns into a jeep; and eternally hungry Son Goku. ( Dragon Ball is also loosely based on Journey .) The oddball quartet travels from place to place fighting demons and helping people. The plot includes numerous anachronisms and lots of action but little coherent storytelling. The extremely limited animation consists primarily of camera moves over still artwork. (Rated 15 and older: violence profanity risqu? humor tobacco and alcohol use) --Charles Solomon

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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