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Arturia MicroFreak Hybrid Synthesizer

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Product Name
Arturia MicroFreak Hybrid Synthesizer
Product Description

The Arturia MicroFreak Hybrid Synthesizer is a peculiar exceptional instrument that rewards the curious musician. It blends wavetable and digital oscillators with analog filters. It features a unique poly-aftertouch flat keyboard. It adds controlled randomness to sequences. Whether you re looking for your first affordable hardware synth or are a collector looking for original sounds and a unique interface MicroFreak is the synth you need. MicroFreak features 16 awesome oscillator modes including 5 bespoke Arturia engines 7 modes from Mutable Instruments and 3 oscillator modes designed with Noise Engineering. Versatile Digital Oscillator This out-there little music machine features a versatile digital oscillator so you can create rare and interesting sounds with ease. Modes like Wavetable KarplusStrong Harmonic OSC and Superwave give adventurous musicians the chance to explore new unheard possibilities. Like having dozens of synths in just one instrument both wild-eyed newcomers and seasoned professionals will fall in love with MicroFreak s flexible powerful synth engine. 12-dB SEM Filter Inspired by the trailblazing 12-dB SEM filter you can make MicroFreak s filter scream or whisper to taste. The filter is state-variable and can even auto-oscillate! You can use this in any way you like from taking the edge of the razor-sharp wavetable sounds or automating the cutoff by modulating it with keyboard pressure or the in-built sequencer. Unique Features MicroFreak is packed with unique exciting features that let you create music with a fresh perspective. Record up to four automations edit notes per step or use the innovative Spice and Dice sequencer functions to find happy accidents. Add randomization to create evolving original patterns and virtually rewire and reconfigure its signal chain and controls with the 5x7 modulation matrix. Connectivity You can also use its USB MIDI and CV outputs to control instruments in your DAW and modular synths. This also means that you can also use MicroFreak as a controller to experience polyphonic aftertouch with cutting-edge software instruments.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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