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The Power of My-Chi (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Power of My-Chi (Hardcover)
Product Description

The POWER OF MY-CHI: A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO WELLBEING THROUGH BREATHING is a both a manual of technical instruction and a guide to achieving the mind-body-spirit balance so necessary in today s manic world. My-Chi is a new three-minute exercise that harnesses the power of Chi to promote physical spiritual and mental wellbeing. With almost forty full-colour images and simple concise instructions the My-Chi method will come easily and naturally resulting in improved posture self-confidence body positivity clarity of mind and an overall feeling of health and well being. My-Chi is for everyone who is looking for the first step of self-improvement. Young or old abled or disabled fit or unfit - Chi is within us all.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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