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Nancy Sinatra - Nancy & Lee - Music & Performance - Cassette

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Product Name
Nancy Sinatra - Nancy & Lee - Music & Performance - Cassette
Product Description

Light in the Attic Records is proud to present the next installment of the Nancy Sinatra Archival Series with a deluxe reissue of one of the most beloved duet albums of all time Nancy & Lee. Equal parts strong sultry and savvy Nancy Sinatra has long been ahead of her time - both in her choices as an artist and as a business-woman. Unapologetically she established her own path early-on and paved the way for decades of female artists to come - all while firmly maintaining control over her career her image and her music. Nancy Sinatra would change the face of music fashion and culture. Originally released in 1968 Nancy & Lee arguably represents the pinnacle of the collaborative efforts of one of pop music s most unlikely pairings. Featuring lush orchestral arrangements by Billy Strange and boasting the talents of famed Los Angeles session musicians The Wrecking Crew the album s enchanting and enduringly unique musical tableau propelled the album to success and sales of over a million copies worldwide. Few albums have an iconic cover equal in timeless appeal to the music inside but Nancy & Lee is truly one for the ages

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Last updated
February 4, 2025

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