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Extra Polar Ice Sugar Free Chewing Gum - 10 Pack (150 Pieces)

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Product Name
Extra Polar Ice Sugar Free Chewing Gum - 10 Pack (150 Pieces)
Product Description

The hustle of carpools and bustle of homework will be here before you know it. Keep your cool and brighten your smile with bulk gum pack of EXTRA Polar Ice Sugar Free Chewing Gum. From regular school supplies to school supplies for college students the chaotic whirlwind of school stuff can easily dampen your school spirit. Chew it before you do it for a smooth transition into the new school year with the invigorating icy mint gum flavor of EXTRA chewing gum. This bulk gum 10 pack of EXTRA chewing gum is not only for your back to school jitters but for back to school excitement for the whole family. Share this 150-stick of sugarless gum with your scholar as they prepare for the first day of school. Create an EXTRA care package with enough EXTRA Polar Ice chewing gum for their school backpack school desk and to store in their locker. Looking for EXTRA credit? Forget the apple! Gift a sugar free gum pack or two to teachers as a Welcome Back treat.Add EXTRA Polar Ice Sugar Free Chewing Gum to your back to school cart for delivery curb and pick-up today.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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