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Change of Times: Change of Times (Paperback)

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Change of Times: Change of Times (Paperback)
Product Description

My name is Kayleb.... but do I live up to my name meaning? Kayleb \ka(y)-leb\ is a boy s name of Hebrew origin and the meaning of Kayleb is faith devotion whole hearted .My parents are the traditional Christian church goers. At one point I was a devout church goer just like them.... that was until I was awoken to my true self. I have to be me and I have to be with him. I am devoted to become the man that I am supposed to be. Mykel and Dawson are two of the men who has entered my life and has made one of those impacts that you know is a lasting impact. In a way these two men (or like I call them angels) are the reason why I am still alive. Mykel has taught me many things and one of the things he has taught me is that suicide is not always the answer. Dawson... he is one cool dude. He and his family has taught me to give God (who ever she is to you) another chance to change my life.I m getting ahead of myself here... this is where my journey begins so hop on board and enjoy the ride...

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Last updated
March 2, 2025

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