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Twenty One (Paperback)

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Product Name
Twenty One (Paperback)
Product Description

When two brothers plan a trip to deliver a sailing boat from southern France to Greece culminating in a relaxing island hopping holiday with their wives it looks as though a fun filled time lies ahead. The reality is somewhat different. Take two strong willed men with opposing characters and confine them to the cramped conditions of a small boat add bad weather communication breakdown faulty equipment and exhaustion and you have a recipe for disaster. The journey takes us through the wild landscape around the canals of the French Camargue and along the often stunning Italian coast an area steeped in mythology and notable historic events. The author relates many of these as the trip progresses exposing some best kept secrets. Told from the perspective of a frustrated and increasingly incredulous crew we encounter morose Mr Jolly the saintly welder and other amusing characters. This is a travel book that will entertain and inform.

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Last updated
January 13, 2025

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