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NativeRemedies BrightSpark Tablets

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Product info

Product Name
NativeRemedies BrightSpark Tablets
Product Description

BrightSpark is a homeopathic remedy especially formulated for temporarily relieving symptoms of excitability, agitation and uncontrollable behaviors in children and adults. Children, teens, and adults who experience a lack of focus or scattered thoughts can become easily distracted by sights and sounds in their environment; have an inability to concentrate for long periods of time; are restless or impulsive; have a tendency to daydream; and can be slow in completing tasks. For these people, their world can be like living inside a continuous fireworks display, where sounds, images, and thoughts are constantly appearing and distracting them, making it very difficult to stay focused or remain on task. Possible causes may include but are not limited to food intolerance, allergies, nutritional or diet problems, chemical imbalances, family or emotional issues, poor discipline, feelings of sadness, and heredity. Some behaviors include aggressiveness, fidgeting or squirming, excessively talking, blurting, or interrupting, difficulty staying seated or waiting in line, and impatience. BrightSpark was formulated by our Clinical Psychologist as a non-habit forming solution to help reduce symptoms of distractibility and erratic or impulsive behavior.

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Last updated
January 14, 2025

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