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Nanoblock Blue Parakeet Micro-Sized Building Block Set

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Product Name
Nanoblock Blue Parakeet Micro-Sized Building Block Set
Product Description

Visiting a museum you observe sculptures. Most began with a lump of clay that an artist molded and shaped into a figure. Artists like Michelangelo are remembered and revered for works filled with incredible minute details. Not everyone can be a Michelangelo but the concept of creation of something from a lump or a mere block of something is very exciting. That s the concept behind the Nanoblocks. Getting Nanoblocks is a perfect way to develop goal directed behavior in children age 6 and up. It s all about constructing something part by part starting from a single block. It s like a 3-dimensional puzzle. These tiny blocks offer greater details to help define the process.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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