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Popular Playthings Tri-Mags Magnetic Puzzle Toy 24 Pieces

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Product Name
Popular Playthings Tri-Mags Magnetic Puzzle Toy 24 Pieces
Product Description

Fun for everyone our Tri Mags™ stimulate both imagination and creativity as well as promote basic logical thought. Each Tri Mags™ cube is made up of 24 large easy-to-handle colorful pyramids. Held together by magnets they fit together only when the magnets are properly aligned. Not immediately apparent (even to adults) your child will first have to understand how the blocks fit together in order to build with Tri Mags™. A design booklet is included with suggested designs to get you started but the real fun begins when you start creating your own! Stimulate both imagination and creativity as well as promote basic logical thought with 24 magnetic triangles. Suggested patterns can look like Origami projects as the 24 pieces easily snap together through magnetic attraction! Includes a design booklet. Recommended for all ages. Includes 24 magnetic triangles and 20 challenges.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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