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WEMBK W16 Fiberglass Non-Skid Spray Automotive Waxes 16 oz

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Product Name
WEMBK W16 Fiberglass Non-Skid Spray Automotive Waxes 16 oz
Product Description

Woody Wax W16 Woody Wax W16 Oz. Fiberglass & Non-Skid Deck Wax Keep your decks and fiberglass looking like new. Apply to your decks and flat glass with a soft deck brush places a non-slick wax finish that will keep everything from sticking. Dirt soot bird droppings and even fish blood will rinse right off! Long lasting this concentrated wax will protect your decks and fiberglass from the deteriorating affects of the sun oxidation water spots and pollution without the use of harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners. 16 oz bottle provides 4 applications for a 25 center console boat. Attributes: Size = 16 oz. Spray

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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