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Paul Among Jews and Gentile (Paperback)

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Paul Among Jews and Gentile (Paperback)
Product Description

A sharp challenge to traditional ways of understanding Paul is sounded in this book by a distinguished interpreter of the New Testament. Krister Stendahl proposes-in the key title essay-new ways of exploring Paul s speech: Paul must be heard as one who speaks of his call rather than conversion of justification rather than forgiveness or weakness rather than sin of love rather than integrity and in unique rather than universal language. The title essay is complemented by the landmark paper Paul and the Introspective Conscience of the West and by two seminal explorations of Pauline issues Judgement and Mercy and Glossolalia-The New Testament Evidence. The book concludes with Stendahl s pointed reply to the eminent scholar Ernst Kasemann who has taken issue with the author s revolutionary interpretations. This volume provides convincingly new ways for viewing Paul the most formative of Christian teachers.

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March 4, 2025

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