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Arm & Hammer AF-AH22020CS4 Allergen Reduction Maximum Pleated Air Filter 20 in L x 20 in W x 1 in T

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Product Name
Arm & Hammer AF-AH22020CS4 Allergen Reduction Maximum Pleated Air Filter 20 in L x 20 in W x 1 in T
Product Description

Maintain the air quality in your home with the Arm & Hammer Maximum Allergen and Odor Reduction Air Filter. It is designed to provide up to three months of protection from pet dander pollen dust smoke and unpleasant aromas lingering around your home. The Arm & Hammer air filter is easy to replace and it provides unscented odor-fighting power to reduce the likelihood of large airborne particles with an 87 percent success rate. The item is electrostatically charged which attracts microscopic dust and allergens. The air filter maximizes odor reduction with three powerful built-in ingredients. It contains baking soda Oguard II which is a proprietary odor reduction ingredient and built in carbon granules that have a large capacity for absorbing odors. Since 1846 Arm and Hammer has been a trusted brand providing you with pure and effective products.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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