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Tropical Plants of Florida 12 to 16 Red Dipladenia Bush; 1 Gallon Growers Pot Partial to Full Sunlight

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Product Name
Tropical Plants of Florida 12 to 16 Red Dipladenia Bush; 1 Gallon Growers Pot Partial to Full Sunlight
Product Description

Red Dipladenia Bush Plant Live Plant Planter/pot Size: 1 Gallon (6 ) Overall Height*: 12” to 16 Flower Color: Red *Overall height is inclusive of the planter height. For example if your plant is 16” tall the first 6” are the planter followed by 10” of plant height. Dipladenia vine plants sport dramatic trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom profusely on a sturdy twining or bush-like vine. This flowering plant is spectacular for small trellises containers hanging baskets or as a houseplant. It attracts hummingbirds butterflies and bees. Proper Care: Dipladenia Bushes need a warm climate to achieve optimal performance as a reference the temperature at night should stay around 65 to 70°F. These flowering plants will do best with partial to full sun (indirect preferably). This bush should be watered 2-3 times a week until it is established.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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