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Mobil Delvac Extreme Heavy Duty Full Synthetic Diesel Engine Oil 15W-40 5 Gallon

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Product Name
Mobil Delvac Extreme Heavy Duty Full Synthetic Diesel Engine Oil 15W-40 5 Gallon
Product Description

Mobil Delvac Extreme 15W-40 is a high-performance synthetic diesel engine oil that helps to deliver extended performance for up to two times beyond OEM recommended oil drain intervals* for modern diesel engines operating in extreme conditions. Mobil Delvac Extreme 15W-40 is recommended for use in a wide range of heavy-duty applications and operating environments found on- and off-highway conditions including engines operating under heavy loads. Fully backward compatible it delivers excellent performance in both newer and older heavy-duty engines meeting or exceeding the requirements of API CK-4 CJ-4 CI-4 PLUS CI-4 and other service categories. This diesel engine oil provides exceptional high temperature performance oxidation stability** and resistance to corrosive and abrasive wear to help promote long life of critical wear surfaces. Mobil Delvac Extreme 15W-40 also offers excellent low-temperature performance for increased oil flow to critical bearing surfaces at startup controlling fluidity and pumpability for smooth starting in cold weather. (*Results may vary based on vehicle/engine condition driving and environmental conditions Consult OEM or ExxonMobil before implementing extended ODIs. ** Based on the performance in the Volvo T-13 engine test.)

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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