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Miller Henry Crazy Cock (Paperback)

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Product Name
Miller Henry Crazy Cock (Paperback)
Product Description

In 1930 Henry Miller moved from New York to Paris leaving behind -- at least temporarily -- his tempestuous marriage to June Smith and a novel that had sprung from his anguish over her love affair with a mysterious woman named Jean Kronski. Begun in 1927 Crazy Cock is the story of Tony Bring a struggling writer whose bourgeois inclinations collide with the disordered bohemianism of his much-beloved wife Hildred particularly when her lover Vanya comes to live with them in their already cramped Greenwich Village apartment. In a world swirling with violence sex and passion the three struggle with their desires inching ever nearer to insanity each unable to break away from this dangerous and consuming love triangle.

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Last updated
February 22, 2025

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