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The Way and Its Power (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Way and Its Power (Paperback)
Product Description

Arthur Waley s brilliant and definitive translation of one of the foremost of all mystical books Lao Tzu s Tao Te Ching has become a modern classic in its own right. Unlike previous translations it is founded not on the medieval commentaries but on a close study of all the early Chinese literature and it provides a singular example of authoritative scholarship skillfully blended with brilliant precise writing. In his introduction Dr. Waley gives an extensive scholarly account of Chinese thought down to the end of the third century B.C. Here the author presents a full picture of Chinese prehistory early philosophy and literature showing the original lofty conception of Taoism before the gradual corruption through the course of centuries tracing this conflict of philosophies and its background of politics.

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March 4, 2025

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