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Beckett Samuel: Stories and Texts for Nothing (Paperback)

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Product Name
Beckett Samuel: Stories and Texts for Nothing (Paperback)
Product Description

This volume brings together three of Nobel Prize winner Samuel Beckett s major short stories and thirteen shorter pieces of fiction that he calls texts for nothing. Here as in all his work Beckett relentlessly strips away all but the essential to arrive at a core of truth. His prose reveals the same mastery that marks his work from Waiting for Godot and Endgame to Molloy and Malone Dies. In each of the three stories old men displaced or expelled from the modest corners where they have been living bestir themselves in search of new corners. Told You can t stay here they somehow doggedly inevitably go on. Includes: The Expelled The Calmative The End Texts for Nothing (1-10)

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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