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Studies in Language Testing: Multilingual Frameworks: The Construction and Use of Multilingual Proficiency Frameworks (Paperback)

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Product Name
Studies in Language Testing: Multilingual Frameworks: The Construction and Use of Multilingual Proficiency Frameworks (Paperback)
Product Description

Describes 20 years of work at Cambridge English to develop multilingual assessment frameworks. Multilingual Frameworks covers the development of the ALTE Framework and Can Do project; work on the Common European Framework of Reference and the linking of the Cambridge English exam levels to it; Asset Languages - a major educational initiative for UK schools; and the European Survey on Language Competences. It proposes a model for the validity of assessment within a multilingual framework and while illustrating the constraints which determined the approach taken to each project makes clear recommendations on methodological good practice. It looks forward to the further extension of assessment frameworks to encompass a model for multilingual education.

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March 4, 2025

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