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The Blessed Hope : A Biblical Study of the Second Advent and the Rapture (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Blessed Hope : A Biblical Study of the Second Advent and the Rapture (Paperback)
Product Description

Jesus Christ is coming again! That is the Blessed Hope which has since the earliest days of the church energized biblical Christians looking for the full revelation of God s redemption But even among those who have most devoutly looked forward to the second coming of the Lord there have often been disputes about its nature. At their sharpest these disputes can lead to the breakdown of fellowship among those who should be standing firmly together against unbelief. Through its many printings this book by George Eldon Ladd has proved to be a helpful guide for Christians who want to discern clearly the basic biblical teachings about the Blessed Hope. Writing not for his fellow scholars as much as men and women in the pews Ladd whose numerous studies of New Testament interpretation earned him the reputation of being one of contemporary evangelicalism s leading thinkers sketches the history of interpretations of Christ s second coming and then carefully and lucidly examines the biblical passages on which this doctrine is based. Ladd s conclusion is that the blessed hope is the second coming of Jesus Christ not a pretribulation rapture of believers in a secret coming of Jesus. Yet he concludes too that there should be liberty and charity within the Christian community for all who hold to the expectation of the blessed hope and appearing in glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

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March 4, 2025

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