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EBC CKF1247 - CKF Series Carbon Fiber Clutch Kit

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Product Name
EBC CKF1247 - CKF Series Carbon Fiber Clutch Kit
Product Description

CKF Series™ Carbon Fiber Clutch Kit by EBC. Carbon-Fiber Impregnated. The EBC Brakes CKF kit is a tough carbon fiber impregnated moto-x/ATV clutch which is longer lasting and grippier than standard cork based units (friction plates only). Carbon fiber clutch plates are designed to handle the higher temperatures encountered in racing while being gentle enough for every day riding. Each kit is measured to the perfect stack height and should only be fitted as a whole kit. Soak clutch plates in the correct quantity of manufacturer s recommended drive case oil before installation. Never use automatic transmission fluid. They strongly recommend that this clutch is fitted by a professionally trained mechanic. It is best to fit new clutch springs at the time of changing clutch plates due to heat fatigue of old springs. They sell a range of clutch spring sets. Before riding your motorcycle please ensure you are comfortable with the new lever force and can easily disengage the clutch with minimal hand pressure. Have an experienced rider test the machine.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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