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School Days (Paperback)

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Product Name
School Days (Paperback)
Product Description

School Days (Chemin-d Ecole) is a captivating narrative based on Patrick Chamoiseau s childhood in Fort-de-France Martinique. It is a revelatory account of the colonial world that shaped one of the liveliest and most creative voices in French and Caribbean literature today. Through the eyes of the boy Chamoiseau we meet his severe Francophile teacher a man intent upon banishing all remnants of Creole from his students speech. This domineering man is succeeded by an equally autocratic teacher an Africanist and proponent of Negritude. Along the way we are also introduced to Big Bellybutton the class scapegoat whose tales of Creole heroes and heroines magic zombies and fantastic animals provide a fertile contrast to the imported French fairy tales told in school. In prose punctuated by Creolisms and ribald humor Chamoiseau infuses the universal terrors joys and disappointments of a child s early school days with the unique experiences of a Creole boy forced to confront the dominant culture in a colonial school. School Days mixes understanding with laughter knowledge with entertainment--in ways that will fascinate and delight readers of all ages.

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Last updated
February 13, 2025

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