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Guerrilla Warfare (Paperback)

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Product Name
Guerrilla Warfare (Paperback)
Product Description

This indispensable book includes three of Che Guevara s most influential essays describing his tactical philosophy of fighting a guerrilla war in Latin America. Guerrilla Warfare written in 1960 outlines Guevara s doctrine for guerrilla fighters especially against Caribbean-style dictatorships. In Guerrilla Warfare: A Method (1963) and Message to the Tricontinental (1967) Guevara modified some of his earlier tenets. These latter two works move away from his earlier dogmatism suggesting that Marxist revolution was possible even in purportedly democratic regimes. All three essays reflect his deeply held belief that a small rural-based guerrilla army could trigger a revolution.

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Last updated
February 7, 2025

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