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Colder Than Hell: A Marine Rifle Company at Chosin Reservoir : A Marine Rifle Company at Chosin Reservoir (Paperback)

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Colder Than Hell: A Marine Rifle Company at Chosin Reservoir : A Marine Rifle Company at Chosin Reservoir (Paperback)
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A MUST READ . . . This book [is] one of the best on that war in Korea. . . . A wonderful account of common decent men in desperate action. --Leatherneck During the early uncertain days of the Korean War World War II veteran and company lieutenant Joe Owen saw firsthand how the hastily assembled mix of some two hundred regulars and raw reservists hardened into a superb Marine rifle company known as Baker-One-Seven. As comrades fell wounded and dead around them on the frozen slopes above Korea s infamous Chosin Reservoir Baker-One-Seven s Marines triumphed against the relentless human-wave assaults of Chinese regulars and took part in the breakout that destroyed six to eight divisions of Chinese regulars. COLDER THAN HELL paints a vivid frightening portrait of one of the most horrific infantry battles ever waged. Thoroughly gripping . . . The Chosin action is justly called epical; Lieutenant Owen tells the tale of the men who made it so. --Booklist

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March 4, 2025

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