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Lunch (Paperback)

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Product Name
Lunch (Paperback)
Product Description

It s time for lunch and one little mouse is famished! In fact he s so hungry that once he starts eating he can t stop. He sinks his teeth into a crisp white turnip gobbles up some orange carrots devours an ear of yellow corn then tosses back some tender green peas. He s full but this mouse keeps on munching until his bulging belly won t hold another bite. Parents will see their own toddlers in this perky tale and toddlers won t get enough of the gregarious little mouse. They ll proudly identify the colors of his (and their) favorite foods and enjoy guessing what fruit or vegetable he ll eat next. Color-savvy readers are sure to spot the rainbow contained in the background pages-- and almost everyone will agree that this is one book about colors that makes the plain old primaries look positively pale! An ALA Notable Book

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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