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Face 2 Face MAT (Paperback)

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Face 2 Face MAT (Paperback)
Product Description

1. FACE 2 FACE MAT is a complete collection of 24 years Solved Papers 2. The book is divided into 5 section 3. Solved Papers are provided for the practice of the question 4. We detailed answers are given for every question for better understanding Here comes FACE 2 FACE MAT 24 years Solved Paper (2020 - 1997) prepared under the close guidance of experts by keeping in mind to meet all the needs of students preparing for this exam and to gain entry into top business schools. Following the methodical approach this book gives comprehensive treatment to all the 5 sections as prescribed by the board. Ample numbers of solved questions (2020-1997) are mentioned in this book giving clear guidance on how to attempt the various types of questions with tips and tricks. Solved Papers are given to get acquainted with the paper pattern and question types. Adopting the unique style of teaching this book helps students to not only learn about the concepts but also managing time in during exam. Based on the latest syllabus and providing such a huge amount of solved papers this book is a perfect study manual assuring success at your upcoming examination. TABLE OF CONTENT MAT SOLVED PAPER (Sept 2020) MAT SOLVE PAPER (May 2019) MAT SOLVED PAPER (May 2018) SECTION I: (Language & Comprehension) SECTION II: Intelligence & Critical Thinking SECTION III: Mathematical Skills SECTION IV: Data Analysis & Sufficiency SECTION V: Indian & Global Environment.

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