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Valentine s Day Bags Mini Drawstring Cinch Backpacks Valentines Day Gift Bags

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Product Name
Valentine s Day Bags Mini Drawstring Cinch Backpacks Valentines Day Gift Bags
Product Description

Mato & Hash Valentine’s Day Drawstring Backpacks are made from 100% Ripstop Nylon a durable reusable bag great for Passing out your Valentine’s Day Cards or a great gift bag alternative. Show extra love this Valentine’s Day and skip the wrapping paper put your gift in a reusable Valentine’s Cinch Bag! All Valentines String Bags measure 12” X 10” and are ideal for Party Favors stuff full of heart shaped candy Heart Sunglasses and a small gift and you have the perfect Valentines Goody bags. Need multiple Valentines Day bags? Lucky for you we offer all Gift Bags in Bulk packs so no need to worry about breaking the bank for your Valentine’s Day Party. We offer of Valentines Cinch Backpacks in 1 3 6 and 10 packs. Not seeing the quantity you are needing? Give us a call and we will see what we can do! All Valentine’s Day Drawstring Bags are printed and designed in the United States.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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