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Equate Zinc Air Hearing Aid Batteries, Size 312, 32 Count

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Product Name
Equate Zinc Air Hearing Aid Batteries, Size 312, 32 Count
Product Description

Equate Hearing Aid Batteries are manufactured in Germany, in the world’s largest and most modern production plant for environmentally - friendly hearing aid batteries. The production facility with state-of-the-art technology guarantees top quality and environmentally - compatible production. The precision and reliability of the fully automated production facility is the key for the top quality of every single cell. To our customers we provide eco-friendly battery technology which were produced under clean room conditions, with an Enhanced Safety & Performance housing coating. Each cell passes through multiple quality assurance stages and is tested in terms of height, voltage and internal resistance. equate hearing aid batteries are manufactured using only high-grade and refined raw materials. This means for you hearing aid energy with premium performance and durability. Why zinc air technology? Zinc air batteries have an especially high energy density and exhibit an almost flat drain curve. They are therefore the ideal power supply, especially for today´s digital hearing aids. The air holes of the battery are initially sealed with a protective tab. They are kept in this way, in an “inactive state”, until they are needed. The tab has to be removed when the battery is inserted into the hearing aid. After several seconds of activation time, the battery begins to produce current. In the activated state (with protective tab removed), zinc air batteries can only be stored for a limited period and should be used as quickly as possible. Advantages of zinc air batteries Zinc air batteries have a smaller cathode than conventional alkaline button cells – oxygen from the air is used as the reaction partner. They have higher capacity – with the same cell volume as conventional alkaline button cells. Compared to conventional alkaline button cells zinc air batteries have a very high energy density. Equate Hearing Aid Batteries are designed in such a way that they can maintain a high voltage level because they have an outstanding load capacity. Why stable and high voltage is important for the hearing aid battery: A constantly high voltage level prevents the hearing aid from sending a warning signal or switching one off. Modern hearing aids with sophisticated wireless functions have higher power requirements. Equate Hearing Aid Batteries are high-performance batteries with higher energy density that satisfies the specific requirements of the new generation of hearing aids, of course for all sizes. (2.3 oz)

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Last updated
February 25, 2025

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