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Event Tourism and Cultural Tourism: Issues and Debates (Paperback)

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Product Name
Event Tourism and Cultural Tourism: Issues and Debates (Paperback)
Product Description

Event and cultural tourism as a social practice is a widespread phenomenon of global socio-economic importance. The purpose of the book is to bring together current thinking on contemporary issues relating to the management and marketing of cultural events and attractions. The contributions to the book provide interesting perspectives on a number of topics including innovation in festivals destination and event image cultural events and national identity religious festival experiences effective management and marketing of events. The book is divided into two broad themes: event tourism and cultural tourism. The Cultural Tourism theme covers issues such as: socio-cultural and environmental impacts of tourism development; tourist experiences motivations and behavior; development of cultural tourism; hosts and guests; Community participation; living heritage; and destination image and branding. The Event Tourism theme covers issues such as economic socio-cultural and environmental impacts; tourist experiences motivations and behavior; development of event tourism; event management and sponsorship; destination image and branding; and planning and marketing hallmark events. The book is in response to the increasing demand for empirically-based case studies on event and cultural tourism and will appeal to both academics and practitioners. Case studies are also ideal as teaching material for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes internationally. This book is a special double issue of the Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management.

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Last updated
February 8, 2025

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