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Beyond Atkins : A Healthier More Balanced Approach to a Low Carbohydrate Way of Eating (Paperback)

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Beyond Atkins : A Healthier More Balanced Approach to a Low Carbohydrate Way of Eating (Paperback)
Product Description

It s a fact: Not all carbohydrates are bad for you. Unlike Atkins South Beach and other diets Dr. Douglas Markham s breakthrough health plan is a more comprehensive sustainable and satisfying program for weight loss and total-body health. Dr. Doug s signature Total Health Plan features the More Balanced Approach to low-carb meal programs along with his 30-minute Fat Burning Circuit Training WorkoutT. This groundbreaking book will allow you to discover: * the safest most effective way to follow a low-carbohydrate lifestyle * how the kind of food you eat affects your body your energy level and your quality of life * why fat does not make you fat * how healthful eating can replace the need for prescription drugs to treat high blood pressure high cholesterol and adult-onset diabetes ...and much more. This empowering resource can help you to both lose pounds and maintain your weight; improve your eating habits; enhance your self-image; and lead a healthy balanced life.

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March 4, 2025

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