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The Learning Journey 20-Piece Spelling Educational Jigsaw Puzzles

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Product Name
The Learning Journey 20-Piece Spelling Educational Jigsaw Puzzles
Product Description

This colorful set of three-letter and four-letter puzzle cards provides children with an introduction to spelling. They can learn to spell by associating the object with the word and correctly assembling the puzzle pieces. The puzzles are self-correcting - only cards with the correct sequence will fit together. Match It! Spelling is a fun and easy way to learn this necessary skill. The Match It! series features a wide range of award-winning educational titles. Each product in the series features a set of self-correcting puzzle pairs that introduce children to a specific educational topic or skill. The brightly illustrated puzzle cards engage children in the learning process in an entertaining way. Match It Spelling includes 10 three piece and 10 four piece self-correcting puzzle sets. Ages 4+ years.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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