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ExploreOne 88-50101 900x Microscope Set

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Product Name
ExploreOne 88-50101 900x Microscope Set
Product Description

An item as common as a sliver of onion skin reveals unexpected dimensions and ignites curiosity when viewed through the ExploreOne 900x Microscope. With this 28 piece set junior scientists will find everything they need to begin exploring the hidden details of the world around us. This compound microscope has a zoom eyepiece a rotating turret of three objective lenses and a maximum magnification level of 900x. It also includes color filters and a projection eyepiece that allows for tracing or for multiple viewers to see the image at the same time. The set also comes fully equipped with prepared and blank slides collection tools and extensive instructions for experiments. Specifications Dimensions: 14 H x 4 W x 15 L Length: 900 mm x - SKU: EPST035

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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