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The Rebuilding Your Temple: Rebuilding Your Temple: Blueprints for True and Lasting Health (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Rebuilding Your Temple: Rebuilding Your Temple: Blueprints for True and Lasting Health (Paperback)
Product Description

You ve been struggling-maybe with your weight your mood your energy. You know you need to do something but you don t know what. Your coworker keeps raving about her vegan diet. Your favorite magazine published an article on the keto diet. Your cousin thinks you just need to hit the gym. And your bestie is blowing up your Facebook with supplements. It seems everywhere you turn someone else is telling you a different way to get healthy. So what s the answer? Truthfully there isn t one. There isn t only ONE way to regain health. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. We are drastically different human beings-with different ages genders genes environments pre-existing conditions stresses even childhoods. So what is healthy for one person may not be healthy for another. How do you know which is the best for you? Introducing Rebuilding Your Temple! In these pages are the basic fundamental blueprints for healthy living-with additional guidelines to help you and your doctor customize a plan for your unique needs. Chapter by chapter week by week you will develop a strategy fitting for you. Maybe it s keto maybe it s vegan maybe its supplements. Or maybe just maybe it s a combination of several other things. Begin Rebuilding Your Temple today and discover what healthy means for you!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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