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The Divine Art of Dying (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Divine Art of Dying (Paperback)
Product Description

The Divine Art of Dying looks at the unique moment when a person turns toward death and examines what the dying person and their caregivers can expect. Based on the author s own current experience it s about how we might die well and live well up to the very end of our physical existence. Combining personal stories with solid research on palliative and hospice care this book identifies the decisions the dying one and his or her loved ones and friends must make. Unlike other books on dying The Divine Art of Dying takes a broader approach than just a medical one. It is not a case book but rather a well integrated look at the divine art of living and dying to the fullest that includes spiritual insights from many sources along with references from literature movies and current culture. Karen Speerstra is an award-winning author. Her previous Divine Arts title Sophia: The Feminine Face of God (ISBN: 978-1611250046) won the 2013 Nautilus gold award. Written in a very readable style The Divine Art Of Dying addresses real and common fears and the challenges of letting go and handing over a life. The book introduces new concepts to the body of writing on death and dying. It explains the medical complexities of end-of-life choices and gives helpful advice to caregivers to the dying in every chapter. and authentically chronicles the author s own dying process. Foreword by author and internationally recognized authority on hospice and palliative care Dr. Ira Byock.

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March 4, 2025

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