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International Environmental Law & Policy Series: Coastal State Jurisdiction over Vessel-Source Pollution (Hardcover)

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International Environmental Law & Policy Series: Coastal State Jurisdiction over Vessel-Source Pollution (Hardcover)
Product Description

Coastal State Jurisdiction over Vessel-Source Pollution deals with prescriptive and enforcement jurisdiction in international law aimed at preventing reducing and controlling pollution of the marine environment. The focus is on a single source of pollution viz. that by vessels from the perspective of the coastal State. Prominent in the international legal framework of vessel-source pollution are the LOSC regulatory conventions such as MARPOL 73/78 and SOLAS 74 and a multitude of other international instruments such as IMO Resolutions. This book complements their analysis with ample attention to individual state practice for instance unilateral declarations legislation and actual exercises of enforcement. The considerable amount of state practice and up-to-date information on developments at IMO give insight into the way in which the LOSC legal regime of coastal State jurisdiction over vessel-source pollution operates in practice. The wide range of issues brought forward in this book illustrates the extremely complex but equally fascinating character of coastal State jurisdiction over vessel-source pollution.

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March 4, 2025

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