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Paragon - Manufactured Fun Pro-Deluxe Warmer-Dual with Pumps

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Product Name
Paragon - Manufactured Fun Pro-Deluxe Warmer-Dual with Pumps
Product Description

The Pro-Deluxe Warmer by Paragon dispenses directly from a #10 can or the optional stainless steel jar (PAR-598120). Features a stainless steel body lighted master ON/OFF toggle switch and it uses two 500 watt band element with an adjustable thermostat to keep your toppings at perfect temperature all day long. Ideal for use in convenience stores concession stands vending carts break rooms restaurants snack bars ice cream shops cafeterias and more! Heats up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and great for nacho cheese soft caramel & fudge! Stainless steel body. Two pumps uses allows max of one-ounce which can be reduced by 1/8 ounce increments. This unit is NOT intended for butter. Lighted master On/Off toggle switch. Uses two 500 watt band elements. Adjustable thermostat. Heats up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Available in 120 volts. Great for nacho cheese soft caramel & fudge. ETL tested and approved to UL 197 and NSF-4. Made in U.S.A. Volts: 120. Watts: 1000. Amps: 8.3. Base dimensions: 19.75 W X 11 D X 9 H.- SKU: PRGI092

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Last updated
February 12, 2025

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