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Story of the World: The Story of the World Vol. 3 Audiobook Revised Edition (Audiobook)

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Product Name
Story of the World: The Story of the World Vol. 3 Audiobook Revised Edition (Audiobook)
Product Description

This spirited reading of the first in Susan Wise Bauer s Story of the World history series brings to life the stories and records of the peoples of ancient times. Now more than ever other countries and customs affect our everyday lives-and our children need to learn about the people who live all around the globe. Susan Wise Bauer has provided a captivating guide to the history of the ancient world. Written in an engaging straightforward manner The Story of the World weaves world history into a storybook format. This volume covers the major historical events from the years 1600 to 1850--from Elizabeth I to the gold rush in California. Newly revised to accompany the revised edition of the acclaimed text the Story of the World audiobook is a collaboration between Jim Weiss whose voice has been described as liquid gold (CNN-TV) and Susan Wise Bauer whose writing has been described as timeless and intelligent (Publishers Weekly). This audio edition may be used along with the print books (The Story of the World Volume 3 Text Book Activity Book and Tests; each sold separately) as a supplement to a traditional history curriculum or independently. Over 11 hours on multiple CDs.

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March 5, 2025

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