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The Whartons Stretch Book : Featuring the Breakthrough Method of Active-Isolated Stretching (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Whartons Stretch Book : Featuring the Breakthrough Method of Active-Isolated Stretching (Paperback)
Product Description

Introducing Active-Isolated Stretching the revolutionary yet remarkably simple flexibility program--featuring 59 stretches for over 55 different sports and everyday activities! Whether you re a serious competitor or weekend warrior you know that proper stretching before and after your workout can improve your performance increase your flexibility help prevent injury and make you feel better. But did you know that the traditional way of stretching--lock your knees bounce hold hurt hold longer--actually makes muscles tighter and more prone to injury? There s a new and better way to stretch: Active-Isolated Stretching. And with The Whartons Stretch Book the method used successfully by scores of professional amateur and Olympic athletes is now available to everyone. This groundbreaking technique developed by researchers coaches and trainers and pioneered by Jim and Phil Wharton is your new exercise prescription. The routine is simple: First you prepare to stretch one isolated muscle at a time. Then you actively contract the muscle opposite the isolated muscle which will then relax in preparation for its stretch. You stretch it gently and quickly--for no more than two seconds--and release it before it goes into its protective contraction. Then you repeat. Simple but the results are outstanding. The Whartons Stretch Book explains it all. Part I contains the Active-Isolated Stretch Catalog with fully illustrated easy-to-follow stretches for each of five body zones from neck and shoulders to trunk arms and legs--over fifty stretches in all. Part II offers specific stretching prescriptions for over fifty-five sports and activities from running tennis track and aerobics to skiing skating and swimming. You ll also find advice on stretching for daily activities such as driving working at a desk lifting and keyboarding. Part III discusses stretching for life with specific recommendations for expectant mothers and older athletes. It also includes specific stretching exercises that could help you avoid unnecessary surgery. Give Active-Isolated Stretching a try for three weeks. You ll never go back to your old stretching routines again.

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Last updated
February 26, 2025

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