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Building a Low Impact Roundhouse (Paperback)

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Product Name
Building a Low Impact Roundhouse (Paperback)
Product Description

In Building a Low Impact Roundhouse Tony shares his many years of experience skills and techniques used to build this unique and affordable low-impact home. Always witty and inspiring the author explains the process of visualizing and designing a house through to the practical side of lifting the living roof infilling the walls laying out rooms and adding renewable autonomous technology. Building a Low Impact Roundhouse has become a classic text sold all over the world. Tony s home and lifestyle have attracted much media interest and he and his partner continue to inspire many individuals and communities to seek out ways of living more sustainably. Now in its fourth edition with a fascinating ten-year update including a major new section on the couple s marvelous straw bale den Tony also includes sections on the physical design and he writes about the lifestyle required for living in a roundhouse. He offers advice on roofs floors walls compost toilets wood stoves kitchens windows and planning permission. There are additional photographs of life in and around the dwelling and illustrations from the construction plans for one of the UK s most unique homes. This true and captivating story covers the realizing of a lifetime s dream as well as being a practical how to manual for anyone who loves the idea of low-impact living and wants to self-build an affordable organic home.

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March 4, 2025

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