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History & Warfare (Paperback) The Art of War (Paperback)

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Product Name
History & Warfare (Paperback) The Art of War (Paperback)
Product Description

The definitive translation of Sun-tzu s timeless classic of military strategy Art of War Sun-tzu s Art of War is almost certainly the most famous study of strategy ever written. This treatise has been credited with influencing some of the most legendary military operations. Beyond the battlefield people far and wide have long turned to Art of War for advice on how to succeed in various competitive situations and companies around the world now make this book required reading for their executives. In this translation Chinese warfare scholar Ralph D. Sawyer places Art of War in its proper historical context outlining several battles that Sun-tzu either conducted or that may have influenced him and offers an edition that is uniquely accurate and accessible.

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March 4, 2025

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