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Audio2000 S AST4322B Floor Tripod Microphone Stand with a Slidable Boom and Capability of Holding Two Microphone Clips

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Product Name
Audio2000 S AST4322B Floor Tripod Microphone Stand with a Slidable Boom and Capability of Holding Two Microphone Clips
Product Description

The Audio2000 S AST4322B is a floor tripod microphone stand with a slidable boom arm. The AST4322B includes a slidable boom arm such that this boom stand is capable of holding two microphone clips and two microphones at the same time. The AST4322B can also functions as a straight microphone stand.The AST4322B also allows the user to add more slidable boom arms such this stand can hold more than two microphone clips at the same time. The multiple boom arms adjustable tilt and extension make them easy to place multiple microphones or other devices in front of the sound source without taking up valuable floor space. Whether using the boom arms or folding it flat for use as a straight stand the AST4322B microphone stand offers exceptional versatility and convenience in any stage or recording studio. In addition the AST4322B s all metal construction makes it a durable and dependable microphone stand.

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Last updated
February 15, 2025

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