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Ludwig Classic Oak 3-Piece Downbeat Shell Pack With 20 Bass Drum White Marine Pearl

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Ludwig Classic Oak 3-Piece Downbeat Shell Pack With 20 Bass Drum White Marine Pearl
Product Description

Part of the reimagined Classic Oak drum series this Ludwig Downbeat 3-piece shell pack lives up to the timeless Ludwig name with high-end construction and dark aggressive sound. The shell consists of a 3-ply core of North American Maple surrounded by single inner and outer plies of American Red Oak. The total of 5 wood plies keeps the shells thin at 6.5 mm increasing the dark resonance and speeding up the decay for clear articulation on every stroke. Shells are cut to dual 45-degree bearing edges. This Downbeat configuration features a rack tom floor tom and bass drum in fusion sizes especially good for situations that reward subtlety and precision. Cymbals snare drum and hardware are not included with this high-end professional shell pack. No matter the genre Ludwig Classic Oak gives drummers a more powerful voice in the mix. Proudly made in Monroe North Carolina USA.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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