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ACT Math Preparation 2020 - 2021: ACT Math Workbook + 2 Full-Length ACT Math Practice Tests Paperback 1646128974 9781646128976 Reza Nazari

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ACT Math Preparation 2020 - 2021: ACT Math Workbook + 2 Full-Length ACT Math Practice Tests Paperback 1646128974 9781646128976 Reza Nazari
Product Description

The BEST prep book to help you ACE the ACT Math Test! ACT Math Preparation 2020 - 2021 which reflects the 2020 - 2021 test guidelines is prepared by top ACT instructors and test prep experts to help test takers succeed on the ACT Math Test. This ACT Math prep new edition has been updated to replicate questions appearing on the most recent ACT Math tests. Upon completion of this comprehensive ACT Math prep book you will have a solid foundation and sufficient practice to ace the ACT Math test. This prep book is your ticket to scoring higher on ACT Math. Not only does this perfect and comprehensive ACT Math book include everything you will ever need to conquer the ACT Math test but it also contains two full-length and realistic ALEKS Math practice tests that reflect the format and question types on the ACT to help you check your exam-readiness and identify where you need more practice. ACT Math Preparation 2020 - 2021 contains many exciting and unique features to help you improve your test scores including: Content 100% aligned with the 2020 ACT(R) test Complete coverage of all ACT Math concepts which you will be tested Numerous Quantitative Reasoning practice questions in both multiple-choice and grid-in formats with answers grouped by topic so you can focus on your weak areas Abundant Math skill-building exercises to help test-takers approach different question types that might be unfamiliar to them 2 full-length practice tests (featuring new question types) with detailed answers This ACT Math prep book and other Effortless Math Education books are used by thousands of students each year to help them review core content areas brush-up in math discover their strengths and weaknesses and achieve their best scores on the ACT test. Visit for Online Math Practice

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