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Etruscan Life and Afterlife: A Handbook of Etruscan Studies (Paperback)

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Product Name
Etruscan Life and Afterlife: A Handbook of Etruscan Studies (Paperback)
Product Description

A reliable and lively volume which brings readers into the mainstream of the latest Etruscan scholarship. The lively ferment in Etruscan studies generated in part by recent archaeological discoveries and fostered by new trends in interpretation has produced a wealth of information about the people historians traditionally considered as inaccessible. Now scholars are reconstructing a portrait of the wealthy sophisticated Etruscans whose territory once extended from the Po River to the Bay of Naples. Unfortunately the wider English-speaking public has had no single resource which synthesizes these new findings and interpretations about the Etruscans. In fact some sources continue to propagate the traditional myth of the enigmatic and isolated Etruscans. In response the eminent Etruscan scholar Larissa Bonfante asked seven other internationally known classicists to join her in providing this handbook for the non-specialist as an authoritative and readable guide to the burgeoning Etruscan scholarship. As Bonfante explains in the introductory chapter The Etruscans provide an excellent opportunity of turning archaeology into history: this we tried to do in our chapters according to our individual directions. Nancy Thomson de Grummond traces the interest in and knowledge of the Etruscans from the earliest days. Mario Torelli provides an independent account of Etruscan history based on monuments and sources. Jean MacIntosh Turfa belies the cliche of the Etruscans traditional isolation by surveying the material evidence for their trade with the Phoenicians Greeks and other neighbors in the Mediterranean. Marie-Françoise Briguet Friedhelm Prayon David Tripp and I survey Etruscan art architecture coinage and daily lives respectively Emeline Richardson contributes what she calls a primer in the Etruscan language a basic archaeological introduction to the Etruscan language meant to help newcomers read the inscriptions on many of the monuments illustrated and to see these with the interdisciplinary approach so characteristic of and necessary in Etruscan studies. The book is profusely illustrated with over 300 photos and maps. Notes and bibliographic references lead to standard texts on the Etruscans and to the more specialized literature in the field. The result is a reliable and lively volume which brings readers into the mainstream of the latest Etruscan scholarship.

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March 4, 2025

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