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Texts in Computer Science: A Recursive Introduction to the Theory of Computation (Paperback)

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Texts in Computer Science: A Recursive Introduction to the Theory of Computation (Paperback)
Product Description

The aim of this textbook is to present an account of the theory of computation. After introducing the concept of a model of computation and presenting various examples the author explores the limitations of effective computation via basic recursion theory. Self-reference and other methods are introduced as fundamental and basic tools for constructing and manipulating algorithms. From there the book considers the complexity of computations and the notion of a complexity measure is introduced. Finally the book culminates in considering time and space measures and in classifying computable functions as being either feasible or not. The author assumes only a basic familiarity with discrete mathematics and computing making this textbook ideal for a graduate-level introductory course. It is based on many such courses presented by the author and so numerous exercises are included. In addition the solutions to most of these exercises are provided.

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March 4, 2025

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