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Lactic Acid Bacteria: Genetics of Lactic Acid Bacteria (Paperback)

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Lactic Acid Bacteria: Genetics of Lactic Acid Bacteria (Paperback)
Product Description

Beginning with an introduction to relevant genetic techniques chapters cover all major groups of LAB including the Bifidobacteria; plasmid biology gene transfer phage and sugar metabolism; gene expression of various LAB; applications for genetically engineered LAB including the emerging field of medical applications; and the legal and consumer issues that arise from such applications. This resource will set the benchmark for the state of knowledge of LAB genetics and should be of value to food scientists and other researchers working with LAB in its present and future capacities. Professionals using lactic acid bacteria (LAB) for research and/or as working organisms whether in food and dairy fermentations or in the exciting new field of clinical delivery agents will find this book invaluable. In addition professors teaching under- and post-graduates in microbiology and postgraduate research students will also find this an essential reference work.

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March 6, 2025

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